Splunk Search

How can i extract words and their count from a field summary in a table?


I have a table which has fields defects and summary that gives me the summary of the defects. I want to extract some words from summary and their count as well. Please help.

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1 Solution


Considering you are only checking the issue_type and summary fields and you know the values you are looking for (i.e. words like Bug, Reopened etc.), you can do it this way -

<your search> | eval details=issue_type.summary | rex max_match=0 field=details "(?<word>(?i)(Bug|Reopened|Closed))" | stats count by word

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Considering you are only checking the issue_type and summary fields and you know the values you are looking for (i.e. words like Bug, Reopened etc.), you can do it this way -

<your search> | eval details=issue_type.summary | rex max_match=0 field=details "(?<word>(?i)(Bug|Reopened|Closed))" | stats count by word
0 Karma


Thanks Dinesh. It works fine . Modified the query a bit as i did not want it on issue_type field.Just summary would do it.

0 Karma


Great!! 🙂

0 Karma


Can you provide a sample of your data and the output you are expecting?

0 Karma


sure .

my table:

key issue_type summary
SPJ-171 Bug Reopened n for aaam
SPJ-18 Bug Reopened_m for AAAM
SPJ-19 Bug Bug 2
SPJ-19 Bug Reopened x for aaam

expected (eg):

word count
Reopned 3
Bug 5 etc.

The words are from the summary field. Hope I am clear 🙂

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