Splunk Search

How can I use results of a stats table to output to another pipe or timechart?


index=source earliest=-2h sourcetype=e | bucket _time span=1h |stats count by code _time| delta count as difference | eval percdif=round(abs(difference/count)*100,0)|table code, count, difference, percdif|sort -percdif -count|where count>1100|fields code|head 10

I am using this query. output basically will return error codes sorted with high percentage difference (errors are increasing). I am using fields command to only output top 10 errors in table

since this query will show as stats table, how can I use this output to further pipe or do a timechart?

0 Karma

Revered Legend

If your timechart query's timerange is different from last 2 hr, then try like this

index=source [search index=source earliest=-2h sourcetype=e | bucket _time span=1h |stats count by code _time| delta count as difference | eval percdif=round(abs(difference/count)*100,0)|table code, count, difference, percdif|sort -percdif -count|where count>1100|fields code|head 10] 
| timechart count by code


It did not work, returns 0 results

0 Karma

Revered Legend

How about this

index=source sourcetype=e  [search index=source earliest=-2h sourcetype=e | bucket _time span=1h |stats count by code _time| delta count as difference | eval percdif=round(abs(difference/count)*100,0)|table code, count, difference, percdif|sort -percdif -count|where count>1100|fields code|head 10] 
 | timechart count by code


does this work if I pass more than one field (code and percdif) to timechart as well?

0 Karma

Revered Legend

It'll. As long as that field is present in main search.

0 Karma


Thanks working now

0 Karma

Revered Legend

What's your final expected output (that you want to generate for these top 10 error codes)?

0 Karma


Final output should be a timechart of the top 10 error codes (of query I posted above)

0 Karma
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