Hi folks;
I have the following query that i use as a base search to feed a dashboard:
index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:event" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | join event_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | rename orig_event_key as event_key | join type=left alarm_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | rename time as activity_time | rename user as activity_user | transaction alarm_key | eval LastStatus=mvindex(activity_s, -1) | table alarm_key LastStatus ] ]
There are several fields that are part of each event that is produced as they are the fields from each subsearch for the related event_key's and whatnot. The problem however, is when I go and 'collect' this data and put it in my summary index, it only seems to be 'collecting' the fields from the first search. The fields that were added as a result of the joins are not being added.
I have even tried something silly like this :
index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:event" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | join event_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | rename orig_event_key as event_key | join type=left alarm_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity" source="prod_spectrum_reporting" | rename time as activity_time | rename user as activity_user | transaction alarm_key | eval LastStatus=mvindex(activity_s, -1) | table alarm_key LastStatus ] ]
| fields condition_name
condition_name is a field that is added to each event from one of the join's. Once this is added to a summary index, condition_name isn't there.
It looks like you've figured out how to use the collect command manually, which is great.
I thought I'd give you a different answer trying to also rewrite the search to avoid the join command.
This search looks very much like a case that can be rewritten to not use join at all.
However I can't tell you exactly how to do it yet, without knowing more of the relationship between alarm_key and event_key.
Can you provide some specific example events to illustrate that relationship?
Until then, I can get you as far as this:
index=app_caspectrum source="prod_spectrum_reporting" ( sourcetype="spectrum:event" OR sourcetype="spectrum:alarm" OR sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity")
| eval event_key=if(sourcetype="spectrum:alarm",orig_event_key,null())
| eval activity_time=if(sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity",time)
| eval activity_user=if(sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity",user)
From there, possibly it's as simple as just tacking a
| stats last(activity_s) as LastStatus values(condition_name) as Condition values(mclass_name) as ModelClass values(mtype_name) as ModelType values(device_type) as DeviceType values(activity_time) as ActivityTime by alarm_key event_key
but I suspect there's a nuance or two in the relationship between event_key and alarm_key that will require a little streamstats/eventstats/eval magic trick just before the stats.
I may have figured this out. Here is what I ended up doing:
index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:event" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| eval LastStatus="Triggered"
| eval activity_time="NA"
| eval activity_user="NA"
| eval activity_s="NA"
| join event_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| rename orig_event_key as event_key
| join type=left alarm_key [
search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| rename time as activity_time
| rename user as activity_user
| transaction alarm_key
| eval LastStatus=mvindex(activity_s, -1)
| table alarm_key LastStatus activity_time activity_s
| eval _raw="Alarm Time=" . time . " Model=" . model_name . " Condition=" . condition_name . " ModelClass=" . mclass_name . " ModelType=" . mtype_name . " DeviceType=" . device_type . " Activity=" . activity_s . " ActivityTime=" . activity_time . " Event=\"" . replace(event_msg, "\"", "'") . "\""
| collect index="summary_executive" sourcetype="executive_stash"
and then creating a transforms.conf on my searchheads:
DELIMS = "="
and a props.conf
REPORT-activity = executive_stash_delim
For what it's worth, I've also tried something like this to no avail:
index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:event" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| eval LastStatus="Triggered"
| eval activity_time="NA"
| eval activity_user="NA"
| eval activity_s="NA"
| join event_key [ search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| rename orig_event_key as event_key
| join type=left alarm_key [
search index=app_caspectrum sourcetype="spectrum:alarm:activity" source="prod_spectrum_reporting"
| rename time as activity_time
| rename user as activity_user
| transaction alarm_key
| eval LastStatus=mvindex(activity_s, -1)
| table alarm_key LastStatus activity_time activity_s
| eval _raw="Alarm Time=" . time . " Model=" . model_name . " Condition=" . condition_name . " ModelClass=" . mclass_name . " ModelType=" . mtype_name . " DeviceType=" . device_type . " Activity=" . activity_s . " ActivityTime=" . activity_time . " Event=\"" . replace(event_msg, "\"", "'") . "\""