Splunk Enterprise 6.5.3
I have created a report to email me a .pdf . However, the report does not include the hostnames of the servers that it is reporting on.
I am using the following search regex: index=dba host=db5 "Error" OR "Warning" OR "Note"
And it shows host=sdb5 in the selected fields, as well as in the area immediately beneath the log data, but the host (hostname) will not appear in the report that is generated via an email. I only get the timestamp and the event (actual log data).
Is there a way to ensure that the hostname is included as part of the report?
From Splunk support:
I was able to confirm the same thing from the reports I received in my inbox. The 'host' field was in the body of the email, but the attached PDF report was cut off and did not include the 'host' field in the table. I talked to a few engineers here on my side, and this is a known issue that the PDF generator within Splunk does not work completely well especially on large outputs. Also, there is a known bug
when a field name contains extra whitespace in the beginning or the end, pdf export fails for that column. This issue is fixed in versions 7.0.3 and above. If upgrading Splunk is not an option, we recommend that users export to a CSV for better results and/or use the following PDF generator work arounds:
Take a look at following tools to build similar functionality that is not dependent on the pdf generator:
Katalon Suite is generally used for web UI automation testing, but can be used via the command line to take dashboard screenshots.
https://www.katalon.com (https://www.katalon.com/)
From Splunk support:
I was able to confirm the same thing from the reports I received in my inbox. The 'host' field was in the body of the email, but the attached PDF report was cut off and did not include the 'host' field in the table. I talked to a few engineers here on my side, and this is a known issue that the PDF generator within Splunk does not work completely well especially on large outputs. Also, there is a known bug
when a field name contains extra whitespace in the beginning or the end, pdf export fails for that column. This issue is fixed in versions 7.0.3 and above. If upgrading Splunk is not an option, we recommend that users export to a CSV for better results and/or use the following PDF generator work arounds:
Take a look at following tools to build similar functionality that is not dependent on the pdf generator:
Katalon Suite is generally used for web UI automation testing, but can be used via the command line to take dashboard screenshots.
https://www.katalon.com (https://www.katalon.com/)
You should see your host in the PDF with following, I am more concerned for your _time variable that you would need to use "|fieldformat" command to make it human readable.
index=dba host=db5 ("Error" OR "Warning" OR "Note" )
| table _time host _raw
| fieldformat _time = strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
BTW, Splunk searches called SPL, regex is a different world.
Hello @akocak thank you for your help. I have tried your SPL - it is still not showing the host field in the attached .pdf . I have been getting the same table it has the _time column and the _raw column.
Is there anything else I can do?
can you paste what you see in results ? I am not sure what is the issue.
interesting, try this :
| eval myhost=host
| table _time myhost_raw
@akocak I appreciate your help. That didn't work; it just left the myhost_raw column blank on the .pdf file.
It sounds like you're sending raw event data. If that is the case and that is what you're going for then you can still dump it into a table.
| table _time host _raw
| fields _time host _raw
Thank you @anthonymelita . Your regex did help when I do "Inline" (table drop-down); it showed the timestamp, hostname, and event in the text of the email it sends out, but there were no changes to the .pdf that is attached - which is really what I need. Is there a way to make the .pdf show the hostname?