Splunk Search

How can I group the query?


Hi all,

I am new to splunk
Following is the information:

Column1                          Column2         column3
first                            Success
first                            Incomplete
First                           Timeout 

I want the above information like

Column1             successcount               Fail count
first                      1                         2

Note:Here Fail count is Incomplete and Timeout

Can any one help on this how to form a qeury to get the above output


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"your base search " 
| stats count(eval(Column2 ="Success")) as SuccessCount,count(eval(Column2 !="Success")) as FailedCount by Column1

You may change the condition for FailedCount based on your criteria

What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂
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Hi @uppukumar

Try like

your query..| stats count(eval(Coloumn2="Success")) as "Success count" count(eval(Coloumn2="Incomplete" OR Coloumn2="Timeout")) as "Fail count" by Coloumn1
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