I've done this before but I am rusty. My log looks like this
1/2/2019 12:34pm priority=info soemthing=12 mydictionary={"iq":"123", "lovescars":"True"}
Where mydictionary can as many as 30 elements in it. How do I get those into fields?
Hi daniel333,
try something like this in your transforms.conf
SOURCE_KEY = mydictionary
REGEX = "([^"]+)":"([^"]+)"
FORMAT = $1::$2
and this in your props.conf
REPORT-000-GetFieldAndValueFromDict = GetFieldAndValueFromDict
This will create a field name from capturing group one and the value from capturing group two from within the dict.
Put that on your search head and it will work at search time.
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS