Splunk Search

Help with union not working



I'm running this query:


| union 
    [ search host="puppet-01" OR host="jenkins-01" OR host="ANSIBLE-01" sourcetype=ProductionDeploy  NOT Permisson_Job_Name=*_permission Environment=PRODUCTION 
    | table _time, App_Name, User, Change_Log_Description, Environment, Version] 
    [ search sourcetype=mscs:storage:blob:json 
    | rex field=_raw "Details\":\"(?<Details>.*?)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "ProjectName\":\"(?<ProjectName>.*?)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "ScopeDisplayName\":\"(?<ScopeDisplayName>.*?)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "releaseName\":\"(?<releaseName>.*?)\"}" 
    | rex field=_raw "ActionId\":\"(?<ActionId>Release.ReleaseCreated)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "ActorUPN\":\"(?<ActorUPN>.*?)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "DeploymentResult\":\"(?<DeploymentResult>.*?)\"," 
    | rex field=_raw "PipelineName\":\"(?<PipelineName>.*?)\"," 
    | where releaseName != null AND PipelineName like "%Production" 
    | rename ProjectName AS App_Name 
    | rename ActorUPN AS User 
    | rename releaseName AS Change_Log_Description 
    | rename PipelineName AS Environment
    | rename DeploymentResult AS status
    | table _time, App_Name, User, Change_Log_Description, Environment, Version,status]
| sort -_time asc


and im trying to get the status
at the first search i don't have this value but i do have it at the second one
i don't see status column at my results.

can someone explain me why ?


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0 Karma


Try your where command like this

| where isnotnull(releaseName) AND PipelineName like "%Production"
0 Karma


still the same

0 Karma


Does this rex match your events?

| rex field=_raw "DeploymentResult\":\"(?<DeploymentResult>.*?)\","
0 Karma


yes it does

the problem is the since i don't have the field status at the first search i don't get the results of the second one

maybe the union not fit here ?

0 Karma
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