I need a help with a search that seems very easy, but I'm unable to achieve the results I want.
The events are recieved in diferrent days, but no more than 3 days and the date is in the field event.Date.
The date format is "yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00".
What I need is to search for all the events within the 3 days and then filter by the date.
So i've tried the following search:
index=something daysago=3
| eval dayOfSearch = strftime(relative(now(), "-2d@d"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
| search event.Date = dayOfSearch
It does not result to what I was expecting, but if I run the search replacing the variable dayOfsearch with the actual date, like "2021-09-05T00:00:00" it works.
What am I doing wrong or is that I better way to achieve this results?
Thank you!
Try something like this. Need to use "where" command if you're condition references other fields instead of static values. Also, since field name contains dot/special character, it needs to be enclosed in single quotes in where/eval.
index=something daysago=3
| eval dayOfSearch = strftime(relative(now(), "-2d@d"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
| where 'event.Date' = dayOfSearch
Try something like this. Need to use "where" command if you're condition references other fields instead of static values. Also, since field name contains dot/special character, it needs to be enclosed in single quotes in where/eval.
index=something daysago=3
| eval dayOfSearch = strftime(relative(now(), "-2d@d"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
| where 'event.Date' = dayOfSearch
That's it. Single quotes and where.
Thank you!
| where event.Date = dayOfSearch