I need regular expression to extract JSON from message field .. Can some one help
After extract i want to parse the extracted json using spath command
{ [-]
@timestamp: 2022-04-09T05:50:04.336Z
@version: 1
file: test.log
message: 2021-04-09 05:50:04.273+0000 INFO |RestAPI.adminsrvr | Request #5172: {
"context": {
"httpContextKey": 1111111111,
"verbId": 2,
"verb": "GET",
"originalVerb": "GET",
"protocol": "https",
"parameters": {
"uri": {
"version": "v2"
name: test
no: 111111111111
Try with the ms flags so that . will match across new lines
| rex field=message "(?ms)Request \#[0-9]+\: (?<json>.+)"
This assumes that the message field is immediately followed by name
Thanks for immediate response
Name is another field
The "message" field contains below sample data ..it just ends with JSON object.
I need to extract json and create new field
message: 2021-04-09 05:50:04.273+0000 INFO |RestAPI.adminsrvr | Request #5172: {
"context": {
"httpContextKey": 1111111111,
"verbId": 2,
"verb": "GET",
"originalVerb": "GET",
"protocol": "https",
"parameters": {
"uri": {
"version": "v2"
| rex "(?ms)message:.+?(?<json>\{.*\})\s*name"
Not getting, just getting empty output
| rex "(?ms)message:.+?(?<json>\{.*\})\s*name" |table json
The below rex giving "{" as output ( the start of json)..Need to tweak to print to the end
|table message
| rex field=message "Request \#[0-9]+\: (?<json>.+)" |table json
Try with the ms flags so that . will match across new lines
| rex field=message "(?ms)Request \#[0-9]+\: (?<json>.+)"
it perfectly worked. What does (?ms) represents here . Can you explain
Thank you
m - means multiline
s - means . will match to new line - this is actually the important one in this instance
| rex field=message "(?s)Request \#[0-9]+\: (?<json>.+)"
This should also work for you.
i have my json data where sometimes we are unable to see the status: closed field in some of the events as i want to write a regex to bring this in event state: { [-]
alert_id: orca-8452634
closed_reason: null
closed_time: null
created_at: 2023-07-06T11:41:18+00:00
high_since: null
in_verification: null
is_new_score: null
last_seen: 2024-02-04T11:38:11+00:00
last_updated: 2024-02-05T13:45:45+00:00
low_since: 2024-02-05T13:45:45+00:00
orca_score: 7
risk_level: high
rule_source: null
score: 2
severity: imminent compromise
status: closed
status_time: 2024-02-05T13:45:45+00:00
verification_status: null
Can anyone help us to close this