We're indexing a set of standard IIS W3C logs into our indexer and have a need to obtain a list of the parent sites for every URL that's been recorded in the logs, and the latest time each has been called.
I've got a search that will return every URL and the latest time it was recorded in the log but I can't work out how to break the URLs down to their parent and query by that instead. I think I need to use a regex somehow (or maybe some kind of eval?) but I'm not sure. Has anyone done this before?
This is the base search I'm using:
index=iis s_contentpath = "/sites/Teams*" | dedup s_contentpath | chart last(_time) as Time by s_contentpath | convert ctime(Time) | sort Time asc
I've attached a small sample of the result set. For these examples, I'd be looking to return something like this:
Parent URL | Time |
/sites/Teams5/Nat_Man_MLP/ | 02/07/2023 10:55:00 |
/sites/Teams5/connect-HRIS/ | 02/07/2023 11:04:26 |
/sites/Teams5/C-D/ | 02/07/2023 12:39:19 |
Any help would most appreciated.
Hi @marshallsuk,
You have to extract a part or your URLs wi the parent_sites.
I tried using you table, but, for the next time, please, don't use a screenshot because it's completetly unuseful to test a regex, but put some sample data using the Insert/Edit Code Sample Button.
Anyway, please test this regex:
index=iis s_contentpath = "/sites/Teams*"
| rex field=s_contentpath "\/sites\/Teams5\/(?<s_contentpath>[^\/]+)"
| dedup s_contentpath
| chart last(_time) as Time by s_contentpath
| convert ctime(Time)
| sort Time asc
you can test the regex at https://regex101.com/r/gYJ1NM/1
Hi @marshallsuk,
You have to extract a part or your URLs wi the parent_sites.
I tried using you table, but, for the next time, please, don't use a screenshot because it's completetly unuseful to test a regex, but put some sample data using the Insert/Edit Code Sample Button.
Anyway, please test this regex:
index=iis s_contentpath = "/sites/Teams*"
| rex field=s_contentpath "\/sites\/Teams5\/(?<s_contentpath>[^\/]+)"
| dedup s_contentpath
| chart last(_time) as Time by s_contentpath
| convert ctime(Time)
| sort Time asc
you can test the regex at https://regex101.com/r/gYJ1NM/1