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Grouping event by correlation id with the closest time

New Member

Hi All,

We have a number of micro services with correlation id flowing across the request and responses. What i'm trying to do is to create a flow of request and response for 1 correlation id.

Example log

correlation idtimesourcemessage
12312:00:00Service AEnter service A
12312:00:01Service ACalling Service B
12312:00:02Service BRouting to Service C
12312:00:03Service CResult Found. Response User 1
12312:00:04Service BUsing User 1 to find resource
12312:00:05Service BResource Found. Calling Service D
12312:00:06Service DSub-resource not found. Response: null
12312:00:07Service BReturn result. Response User1, resource1
12312:00:08Service AReturn User1, resource1


From the example log, i would like to be able to group

Service A (12:00:00 -12:00:01)

Service B (12:00:02)

Service C (12:00:03)

Service B (12:00:04 -12:00:05)

Service D (12:00:06)

Service B (12:00:07)

Service A (12:00:08)

What i'm trying to do right now is a simple event results first before going to any further fancy visualization.

I tried using Transaction but i can't separate the source when there's a different call in between.

Here's the query that i've tried


| eval _time=strptime(timegenerated,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
| sort - _time
| transaction source


Any help is greatly appreciated.


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| streamstats window=1 current=f global=f values(source) as previous by correlation_id
| eval change=if(source==previous,0,1)
| streamstats sum(change) as group by correlation_id
| stats min(time) as start max(time) as end list(message) as messages by correlation_id group source
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