I have a chart in a dashboard that shows a graph of paging space usage across all of our hosts. Or at least that's what it's supposed to do. It only seems to show the graph for ten of our twenty-two hosts.
How can I tell it to graph all the hosts?
My query looks like this:
<searchString>sourcetype="paging" | timechart avg(percent_used) by host</searchString>
In chart and timechart the limit on the columns it will create for 'split-by' fields is 10. However you can easily raise that with the limit argument.
sourcetype="paging" | timechart avg(percent_used) by host limit=50
or if you have an older 4.0.X build you might have to use the clunkier older syntax:
sourcetype="paging" | timechart avg(percent_used) by host where avg in top50
In chart and timechart the limit on the columns it will create for 'split-by' fields is 10. However you can easily raise that with the limit argument.
sourcetype="paging" | timechart avg(percent_used) by host limit=50
or if you have an older 4.0.X build you might have to use the clunkier older syntax:
sourcetype="paging" | timechart avg(percent_used) by host where avg in top50
Quick and easy, thanks!