When I extract the list of values of a field in stats command, the values appear in separate lines making the output sparse and ugly. Is it possible to get the values as a comma separated string so that everything sits in one line?
What you need is to use eval
and then the mvjoin()
yoursearchhere |
stats values(myField) as myFieldValues by field2 |
eval myFieldValues=mvjoin(myFieldValues, ", ")
Yup that one works as intended! Thanks
You could do this by using the makemv command:
yoursearchhere |
stats values(myField) as myFieldValues by field2 |
makemv delim="," myFieldValues
Works for me in Splunk 8.0.2, but now I need to add a wildcard prefix and quotes to each value.
I downvoted this post because doesn't work
You are right, my apologies.
Actually, this just doesn't work. At any rate when I run such a query I do NOT get the values separated by commas.
Nor would one expect it to based on the documentation of the makemv
command which says: Converts a single valued field into a multivalue field by splitting it on a simple string delimiter.