I need to get the roles assigned to current logged in user and set the value to filed in search. Anybody has any idea. I tried the following and got the error.
|makeresults|eval rls=[|rest /services/authentication/current-context |eval rls="\"".roles."\""|eval user="\"".username."\""|eval rlss=mvjoin(roles,",")|return $rlss]
but got the error : Error in 'eval' command: Failed to parse the provided arguments. Usage: eval dest_key = expression
not much details in logs.
Anybody has any idea how to fix this?
Why can't rlss be your new field? No need to makeresult and append your results to another filed again. Are you not missing few roles with your sub-query? Can you try this?
|rest /services/authentication/current-context|mvexpand roles | eval rlss="\""+roles+","+username+"\"" | fields rlss
Why can't rlss be your new field? No need to makeresult and append your results to another filed again. Are you not missing few roles with your sub-query? Can you try this?
|rest /services/authentication/current-context|mvexpand roles | eval rlss="\""+roles+","+username+"\"" | fields rlss
Thanks Naresh, Your query producing results, but my requirement is get and assign all roles (comma separated string value) for the current user and set it to a field in main query.
Will this help? This will append rlss as a new column to your outside query
|makeresults|appendcols [|rest /services/authentication/current-context|mvexpand roles | eval rlss="\""+roles+","+username+"\"" | fields rlss]
Alternatively if you want to do some comparisions with the subsearch, best way is to route the results to a lookup and then compare. Small example below
|makeresults [|rest /services/authentication/current-context|mvexpand roles | eval rlss=+roles+","+username | fields rlss username | dedup rlss| outputlookup rlss.csv] | eval mainuser="splunk-system-user" | lookup rlss.csv username as mainuser