Hi all,
My splunk search generates the following output via timechart:
2019-02-06 00:30:00;1;2
Because I use the "by-clause" in the timechart, I get the field names like above --> cpu_core:hostname
But I want for each hostname one own rown, for example:
2019-02-06 00:30:00;host1;1
2019-02-06 00:30:00;host2;2
How can I achieve this?
Thanks a lot
I'm adding in @renjith.nair's search. Can you please try this search??
index=performance_monitoring sourcetype="perf:cpu"
| timechart limit=0 useother=false span=30min avg(cpu_user_percent) as avg_cpu_user_percent, avg(cpu_system_percent) as avg_cpu_system_percent by hostname
| untable _time,hostname,cpu_core
| eval column="",host=""
| foreach hostname
[ eval column=mvindex(split('<<FIELD>>',":"),0),host=mvindex(split('<<FIELD>>',":"),1) ]
| eval {column}=cpu_core
| fields - cpu_core,hostname,column
| stats values(*) as * by _time host
My Sample Search: I've used internal index to perform this like operations.
index="_internal" component=* group=per_*
| timechart avg(kbps) as avg_cpu_user_percent, avg(kb) as avg_cpu_system_percent by group
| untable _time,hostname,cpu_core
| eval column="",host=""
| foreach hostname
[ eval column=mvindex(split('<<FIELD>>',":"),0),host=mvindex(split('<<FIELD>>',":"),1) ]
| eval {column}=cpu_core | fields - cpu_core,hostname,column | stats values(*) as * by _time host
you can use something like this:
index=performance_monitoring sourcetype="perf:cpu" | bin _time span=30m | stats avg(cpu_user_percent) as avg_cpu_user_percent, avg(cpu_system_percent) as avg_cpu_system_percent by _time, hostname
Can you please share sample events?
Hi Kamlesh
I shared some sample events in the answer below.
Thanks for your help!
"your current search"|rename "cpu_core: *" as *|untable _time,hostname,cpu_core
If this is not what your are looking for, please provide your current search
Thank you very much! 🙂 This seems to work as long as I have one field. What if I have multiple fields?
My query looks like the following:
index=performance_monitoring sourcetype="perf:cpu"
| timechart limit=0 useother=false span=30min avg(cpu_user_percent) as avg_cpu_user_percent, avg(cpu_system_percent) as avg_cpu_system_percent by hostname
The following fields are generated:
_time;avg_cpu_system_percent: host1;avg_cpu_system_percent: host2;avg_cpu_user_percent: host1;avg_cpu_user_percent: host2
And the data looks like the following:
2019-02-06 01:30:00;0.08933333333333333;0.11600000000000002;0.166;0.18533333333333335
2019-02-06 02:00:00;0.08833333333333335;0.109;0.164;0.18233333333333332
Now I would like to have the fields in the same order as explained:
Is this possible?