I have a column with some information as follows
ABC 12 HIJ 23
ABD 23 HIJ 12
ABD 12 KYP 23
ABC 12 RMP 11
This is a single column, the values inside this single column is separated by single spaces.
I would like to access each of the 4 parts to put it in a dropdown menu, hence I need to access
them individually, The values also have many duplicates, so I also want to remove the duplicate.
So far I have this, but its returning me the entire row
source=traffic_information | search * traffic_location | fields traffic_location | dedup traffic_location | eval firstValue=split(traffic_location," ") | search firstValue=1
The other I tried is this
source=traffic_information | search * traffic_location | fields traffic_location | dedup traffic_location | rex "^(?<traffic_location>\w+)" | table traffic_location
But I am getting the entire column and not sure how to get the split parts, can we get eval from rex ?
Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
If you know the order of your fields is always the same you could do this:
| search * traffic_location
| fields traffic_location
| dedup traffic_location
| eval traffic_location=split(traffic_location," ")
| eval field1 = mvindex(traffic_location, 0)
| eval field2 = mvindex(traffic_location, 1)
| eval field3 = mvindex(traffic_location, 2)
| eval field4 = mvindex(traffic_location, 3)
You have couple of options
REX command
source=traffic_information traffic_location=* | rex field=traffic_location "(?<f1>[^\s]+)\s(?<f2>[^\s]+)\s(?<f3>[^\s]+)\s(?<f4>[^\s]+))"
Split command
source=traffic_information traffic_location=* | eval temp=split(traffic_location ," ") | eval f1=mvindex(temp,0)| eval f2=mvindex(temp,1)| eval f3=mvindex(temp,2) | eval f4=mvindex(temp,4) | fields - temp
If you know the order of your fields is always the same you could do this:
| search * traffic_location
| fields traffic_location
| dedup traffic_location
| eval traffic_location=split(traffic_location," ")
| eval field1 = mvindex(traffic_location, 0)
| eval field2 = mvindex(traffic_location, 1)
| eval field3 = mvindex(traffic_location, 2)
| eval field4 = mvindex(traffic_location, 3)
Thanks! This is what I was looking for.