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Exclude 'default'/'system' fields in `table *`

New Member

I've got a JSON event that I like to tabulate by using `index=myindex | table *`

When I do this though it includes some system fields, such as `host`, `index`, `linecount`, `punct`, `source`, `sourcetype`

Does anyone know if there's a way to exclude them without naming them all individually via a built in method/variable?

e.g. `index=myindex | fields - $SYSTEM_FIELDS$ | table *`



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Not sure there is Splunk Variable available globally for that. But you can go with your approach by removing all default fields.


| fields - _indextime, _cd, _bkt, host, index, linecount, punct, source, sourcetype, splunk_server, timestamp,date_*

_raw and _time also default field we should keep it.  🙂 

Check below link for more details about Default Fields




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