I have a json data from file generated from the okla speedtest -f json command. I have tried to cast it or eval in different ways but I am doing something wrong.
Error in 'eval' command: Type checking failed. '*' only takes numbers.
My search command is:
| eval dmbs=(download.bandwidth)*8/1000000
| table _time download.bandwidth dmbs
And the example json is injected like this:
{ [-]
download: { [-]
bandwidth: 10420951
bytes: 81587520
elapsed: 7908
interface: { [+]
isp: Vivo
packetLoss: 0
ping: { [+]
result: { [+]
server: { [+]
timestamp: 2022-02-01T22:00:31Z
type: result
upload: { [-]
bandwidth: 5706691
bytes: 80526240
elapsed: 14946
Try single quotes around field names with dots in (otherwise it looks like you are trying to concatenate two strings which produces a type check error when you try to multiply the concatenated string).
| eval dmbs='download.bandwidth'*8/1000000
| table _time download.bandwidth dmbs
Try single quotes around field names with dots in (otherwise it looks like you are trying to concatenate two strings which produces a type check error when you try to multiply the concatenated string).
| eval dmbs='download.bandwidth'*8/1000000
| table _time download.bandwidth dmbs