I have tried many ways to get the difference between two numbers.
Here is what I have tried.
try 1: event=subscription data.price>0 AND data.endDate>0 | eval rr = (data.endDate - data.startDate) Results in Error in 'eval' command: Typechecking failed. '-' only takes numbers
try 2: event=subscription data.price>0 AND data.endDate>0 | convert num(data.startDate) num(data.endDate) | eval j = (data.endDate - data.startDate) Results in Error in 'eval' command: Typechecking failed. '-' only takes numbers
try 3: event=subscription data.price>0 AND data.endDate>0 | convert num(data.startDate) num(data.endDate) | table data.endDate data.startDate Has two columns of data and looks great.
data.endDate data.startDate
1397636176441 1397483257122
1397161336056 1397161260357
I would like to subtract data.endDate from data.startDate. 139763617641 - 1397483257122 =
I always get the error, Error in 'eval' command: Typechecking failed. '-' only takes numbers, for try 1 and try2. I thought it had to do with the data being a string and that is why I tried to convert (the second try). I tabled (try 3) and get output.
Thank you for your help.
Use single quotes:
eval result = 'data.endDate' - 'data.startDate'
Use the period to become errors.Changed field names?
・・・・・|eval data_endDate = data.endDate|eval data_startDate = data.startDate|eval rr=data_endDate- data_startDate
I think I have solved the problem. The data.endDate was one level deep in the tree and the . was the only way to access the information inside those columns. Once I moved the data to the outer most tree level it worked. Lesson learned, make all the data on one level and don't embed object or events inside another event/dataset. Thank you for your help.