I have strings of individual events that can be grouped together by a person's unique ID. What I need to figure out is how to get the duration of each of those events by each person and each screen they view, since it doesn't come back in the data. Here is my query so far:
sourcetype=mysource |sort _time (a)|stats list(_time) as Time list(ScreenId) as ScreenName by uniqueId
What comes back:
uniqueId Time ScreenName
12345 1400054039 Screen1
1400054065 Screen2
My next step would be to figure out how to add a field (duration) making Screen1 being 26 seconds and Screen 2 being 11 seconds. Screen1 is calculated from the duration on Screen2-duration on Screen1 and Screen2 is calculated based on the Null line (140054076)-duration on Screen2.
Any ideas?
Try this
sourcetype=mysource | sort -_time | streamstats current=f window=1 first(_time) as prevTime by uniqueId | eval duration=tostring(prevTime-_time, "duration") | stats list(_time) as Time list(ScreenId) as ScreenName list(duration) as Duration by uniqueId
Try this
sourcetype=mysource | sort -_time | streamstats current=f window=1 first(_time) as prevTime by uniqueId | eval duration=tostring(prevTime-_time, "duration") | stats list(_time) as Time list(ScreenId) as ScreenName list(duration) as Duration by uniqueId
That is PERFECT!