I have this
index=myindex eventtype="perfmon_windows" object="LogicalDisk" counter="% Free Space" instance!="_Total" instance!="0"
| stats first(Value) as value by instance, host
| eval x= 100 - value
| eval x= round(x,2)
| sort host
| fields host,instance, x
the result is something like that and it is ok :
server1 | C: | 30
server1 | 😧 | 20
server1 | E: | 10
server2 | C: | 40
and I have this :
index=myindex eventtype="perfmon_windows" (object="Memory" counter="% Committed Bytes In Use") instance!="_Total"
| stats first(Value) as value by instance, host
| eval y= 100 - round(value,2)
| sort host
| fields host, y
the result is something like that and it is ok :
host | y
server1 | 55
server2 | 34
I tried to join the two search with a join on host and i have that :
host | instance | x | y
server1 | 0 | 30 | 55
server1 | 0 | 20 | 55
server1 | 0 | 10 | 55
server2 | 0 | 40 | 34
But i want to have this :
host | instance | x | y
server1 | C: | 30 | 55
server1 | 😧 | 20 | 55
server1 | E: | 10 | 55
server2 | C: | 40 | 34
Do you have a solution please ?
I dont know if it is my join or other thing to do
Thank you 🙂
Can you post your join command?