Below is my code and I want to display only "Druv" Failed logins. But, I see the user name 'None' , 'Karla' and other few names.
How avoid the unwanted users in the output
index=wineventlog source="WinEventLog:Security" sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625 where Account_Name=Druv
| stats count by _time, Workstation_Name,Account_Name,dest, dest_nt_domain, product, app, action, EventCode, EventCodeDescription, Failure_Reason, name
| sort _time
| where Account_Name!="-"
Thanks in advance
index=wineventlog source="WinEventLog:Security" sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625 Account_Name="Druv"
| stats count by _time, Workstation_Name,Account_Name,dest, dest_nt_domain, product, app, action, EventCode, EventCodeDescription, Failure_Reason, name
| sort _time
I exclude where
. typo?
thank you