I have the following SPL search.
| top ClientRequestPath by ClientRequestHost
| eval percent = round(percent,2)
| rename count as "Events", ClientRequestPath as "Path", percent as "%"
Wich give me this result. I also need to group it by 10m time range and calculate the difference in percents between 2 previous time ranges for every line. Help me figure out how do that, thx.
You may need to go back to basics to get your time buckets it. Start with something like this
| bin _time span=10m
| stats count by _time ClientRequestHost ClientRequestPath
| eventstats sum(count) as total by _time ClientRequestHost
| eval percent = round(count / total,2)
| rename count as "Events", ClientRequestPath as "Path", percent as "%"
You may need to go back to basics to get your time buckets it. Start with something like this
| bin _time span=10m
| stats count by _time ClientRequestHost ClientRequestPath
| eventstats sum(count) as total by _time ClientRequestHost
| eval percent = round(count / total,2)
| rename count as "Events", ClientRequestPath as "Path", percent as "%"