My search query is like this : index=main source=file1.txt | stats values(wrk) as "Work Name", values(name) as "Name", values(folder) as "Folder Name", values(version) as "Version"|transpose |rename column as Properties, "row 1" as "File 1"|appendcols[ search index=main source=file1.txt | stats values(wrk) as "Work Name", values(name) as "Name", values(folder) as "Folder Name", values(version) as "Version" |transpose|rename "row 1" as "File 2", column as Properties]
the output table obtained is like
Properties File 1 File 2
Work Name wrk1 wrk2
Name name1 name1
Folder Name folder1 folder1
Version version1 version2
here i dont want the rows with same values to be displayed,(like Name and Folder Name in the example) how to hide them ? which command should i use?
please help
Thank you
Just add the where command to compare the fields.
... | where File1 != File2
Just add the where command to compare the fields.
... | where File1 != File2
Close. The double quote is used for comparing values. To compare fields with spaces in their names, surround them in single quotes.
...|where 'File 1' != 'File 2.txt'
Ahhh 😞 !! thanks BobM but
here where clause is not working..
cant we use "" inside where clause as my source file names have space between them like
|where "File 1" != "File 2.txt"