I have an example log file with the following format:
Nov 05 10:33:37 servername applicationserver: instance,ipaddress,[05/Nov/2011:10:33:33 +0000]
I would like the second time column which contains [05/Nov/2011:10:33:33 +0000] to be column which is used for _time at index time, currently by default it uses Nov 05 10:33:37.
Any suggestion on how to tech splunk to use the alternative timestamp for _time would be appreciated.
Here is an example of a props.conf that could work:
TIME_FORMAT = %d/%h/%Y:%T
You might need to change this depending on if you are using a 24-hour clock or not.
You can extract timestamp as you want. Please see following manual. This will help your question.
Version 4.2.4 is long dead. This link still works as of version 7.2.6 : https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Data/Configuretimestamprecognition