I have data in source which shows Y/N for fields investor, borrower, guarantor, benefic for each customer. Need to show a pie chart that shows count of investor, borrower, guarantor, benefic that are Y based on the customer ID.
Like if a customer has only investor = Y, then investor count will be 1
If a customer has all the fields = Y, then all the params count will be 1 only.
Below is the data snip
User wants to see like this
@ITWhisperer Kindly help me know if this is possible.
| makeresults count=50
| eval letters=split("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","")
| eval CUS_CIS_CUST_ID=mvindex(letters,random()%36).mvindex(letters,random()%36).mvindex(letters,random()%36).mvindex(letters,random()%36)
| fields - _time letters
| eval CUS_IND_INVESTOR=mvindex(split("YN",""),random()%2)
| eval CUS_IND_BORROWER=mvindex(split("YN",""),random()%2)
| eval CUS_IND_GUARANTOR=mvindex(split("YN",""),random()%2)
| eval CUS_IND_BENEFIC=mvindex(split("YN",""),random()%2)
| untable CUS_CIS_CUST_ID type boolean
| stats count(eval(boolean="Y")) as count by type