Splunk Search

Custom command with splunklib not working


I want to write custom search command with one argument(option). Below is the code that I've written, but I'm not getting any result with search command.


type = python
filename = test_code.py
supports_getinfo = true
supports_rawargs = true



run_script_shape= enabled


import sys, time
from splunklib.searchcommands import \
    dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators

class GenerateHelloCommand(GeneratingCommand):
    count = Option(require=True, validate=validators.Integer())

    def generate(self):
        for i in range(1, self.count + 1):
            text = 'Hello World %d' % i
            yield {'_time': time.time(), 'event_no': i, '_raw': text }

dispatch(GenerateHelloCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)

When I'm trying to execute below command

| test count=5

I get below errors and no result.

2 errors occurred while the search was executing. Therefore, search results might be incomplete. Hide errors.
Unable to access 'count=5': No such file or directory
[<server>.local] Unable to access 'count=5': No such file or directory

Please help me to understand error or give me better example to create non streaming custom command with argument with splunklib.

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1 Solution


HI @VatsalJagani,

As I found that you trying to replicate generating example from https://www.splunk.com/blog/2014/04/14/building-custom-search-commands-in-python-part-i-a-simple-gen....

I've checked your code.
1) Have you placed Python SDK library in lib folder?
2) Can you please verify the naming convention of the command name, python file name and the Class name defined in above link.


View solution in original post


HI @VatsalJagani,

As I found that you trying to replicate generating example from https://www.splunk.com/blog/2014/04/14/building-custom-search-commands-in-python-part-i-a-simple-gen....

I've checked your code.
1) Have you placed Python SDK library in lib folder?
2) Can you please verify the naming convention of the command name, python file name and the Class name defined in above link.


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