I have the following search
index=xoom_app_online_checkout_orchestration_api (level=ERROR AND "Failed to get open-banking realtime balance" AND issue=* ) OR event_type=OPEN_BANKING_REALTIME_BALANCE_SUCCESS | eval Issue=if(event_type=="OPEN_BANKING_REALTIME_BALANCE_SUCCESS", "OPEN_BANKING_REALTIME_BALANCE_SUCCESS", issue) | stats count as Count by Issue | eventstats sum(Count) as Total
| eval Percentage=round((Count/Total)*100,2)
| fields - Total
| sort 0 - Count | addcoltotals
I get this result:
VALIDATION_ERROR | 42 | 17.65 |
238 | 100.00 |
I want to trigger an alert if the "Percentage" value of the row with Issue= OPEN_BANKING_REALTIME_BALANCE_SUCCESS is < 75
Could not figure out how to add a hidden filed or so... to use as the WHERE clause for the alert
Why do you need a hidden field, the information you need is already in the first row of the results, which you can trigger on. That is, trigger if the first issue is not OPEN_BANKING_REALTIME_BALANCE_SUCCESS OR if the first Percentage is less than 75
The table I displyed (report) is the one I want to email or slack,
I do not want extra fields to show. That is why I said hidden filed (in the sense that I do not want the report modified.
Basically, need the WHERE clause to trigger alert
Put the condition in the custom alert condition not as a where clause in the search.