I have this search:
| lookup list.csv pop as POP_A OUTPUTNEW LAT as LAT_A LON as LON_A
| lookup list.csv pop as POP_B OUTPUTNEW LAT as LAT_B LON as LON_B
| table POP_A LAT_A LON_A POP_B LAT_B LON_B perc
I want to view the points for LAT_A LON_A and LAT_B LON_B on map and I want to connect the two points.
I tried to use geostats but it didn't work because this function accept only one couple of coordinates and not two.
@ngerosa, although this is not built by Splunk, you can check out Missile Map app from Splunkbase:
@ngerosa, although this is not built by Splunk, you can check out Missile Map app from Splunkbase:
Thank you!
Let me convert to Answer. If you have tried out the App and it fits your need, please accept to mark this Question as answered.