Hello there!
We´re trying to plan the best way to search multiple IP ranges that possibly can going through squid to Internet.
Nowadays in our enviroment we have specific IP range that can´t have access to internet. Therefore we decided to monitor this IP range creating specific alert.
I have researched in splunk answers and then I made the regex bellow but it didn´t work as I expected. The IP range that I want to take is 10.(1-200).(80-199).(231-254)
process="squid" httpstatus=200 | rex field=clientaddress "10.(?\d+).(?\d+).(?\d+)" | search (secoctect <200) N (79 > thiroctect <200) AND (four_octect >230)
Does anybody know what should I do? Any help I will appreciate it.
Something like this should work for you.
process="squid" httpstatus=200 | regex clientaddress="10\.([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|200)\.([8-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9])\.(2(3[1-9]|4[0-9]|5[0-4]))"
The regex command will match the specified regular expression for the field clientaddress and filter out non-matching events.
Try like this
process="squid" httpstatus=200 | rex field=clientaddress "10\.(?<secoctect>\d+)\.(?<thiroctect>\d+)\.(?<four_octect>\d+)" | search (secoctect <200) AND (79 > thiroctect <200) AND (four_octect >230)
My bad, missed backslashes with d. Try the updated answer...
I tried like this
process="squid" httpstatus=200 | rex field=clientaddress "10.(?
But it did not work yet.