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Comparing value from two objects based on another field


Hi Splunk experts, 

My events have a timeline that tells me how long certain operations took. What I'm trying to determine is how frequently "item_B" has a longer duration than "item_C". The array is not guaranteed to have the same order every time so I need to access each object in the array by the "label" field.

Any suggestions?







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Ultra Champion
index=_internal | head 1 | fields _raw 
| eval _raw="{\"timeline\":[{\"label\":\"item_A\",\"duration\":1},{\"label\":\"item_B\",\"duration\":955},{\"label\":\"item_C\",\"duration\":0},{\"label\":\"item_D\",\"duration\":55}]}"
| spath timeline{} output=timeline
| mvexpand timeline
| spath input=timeline
| table label duration

please do the math on the rest.

0 Karma
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