Some advice on something I would have thought to be easy.
I have a field called Elapsed
. I want to calculate the number of events in a window of two hours, divide this count by 7200 (the number of seconds in 2 hours) and multiply this by the average value of Elapsed
divided by 1000 over this two hours. I then want to send this evaluated result to a timechart. Here is my current search:
index=ediinter Elapsed>0 | bucket _time span=2h | stats avg(Elapsed) as Residence, count as Total | eval queue=((Total/7200)*(Residence/1000)) | timechart span=2h first(queue) as Queue
but this produces no results
What am I filtering out?
timechart requires _time.
| stats avg(Elapsed) as Residence, count as Total | ->fields:Residence、Total
↓Is this a for good?
| stats avg(Elapsed) as Residence, count as Total by _time|
timechart requires _time.
| stats avg(Elapsed) as Residence, count as Total | ->fields:Residence、Total
↓Is this a for good?
| stats avg(Elapsed) as Residence, count as Total by _time|
Hi HiroshiSatoh,
Great. Thanks very much. I had assumed this was the default.