Hello ,
Im trying to run a audit search for high priority linux servers - should have the following in the search
sudo login, failed login, login/logoff and account change and deletion.
i was able to combine to searches with the "OR" command:
index="ssh_login_index" sourcetype="linux_secure" (process=sshd session opened OR closed) host="linux server"
but still cant combine the rest of the searches to the search above. Thanks in advance!
Hi @gm3ndez,
I had to do something like this and I solved it with eventtypes and tags:
I created many eventtypes containing each one a single search, e.g.:
search = index=os sourcetype=linux_secure NOT disconnect
search = eventtype=Linux_Audit "failed password"
search = eventtype=Linux_Audit "accepted password"
search = eventtype=Linux_Audit "session closed"
associating to each one dedicated tags (e.g. LINUX for each and then LOGIN for Linux_Login, LOGFAIL for Linux_Logfail, and so on)
in this way in the search I can use only
having all the searches in eventtypes in a little search.
This way is a little more complicated, but more efficient and clear to maintain and use.