I'm having the two REX fields and want to search the logs with those fields. Which one matches that field needs to be given as output. Below are the REX
rex "^(?:[^:\n]:){5}\s+(?P<email_2dot>\w+.\w+.\w+@\w+.\w+)"
rex "^(?:[^:\n]:){5}\s+(?P<email_dot>\w+.\w+@\w+.\w+)"
and i want to display with the same name EMAIL since need of only one field in the result. as i can get the result in the two fields email_2dot and email_dot but it should be as single field. Please help on this. If you have any concern please comment.
Just name the field the same in both rex commands:
rex "^(?:[^:n]:){5}s+(?P<email>w+.w+.w+@w+.w+)" | rex "^(?:[^:n]:){5}s+(?P<email>w+.w+@w+.w+)"
Or use rename:
rex "^(?:[^:n]:){5}s+(?P<email>w+.w+.w+@w+.w+)" | rex "^(?:[^:n]:){5}s+(?P<email2>w+.w+@w+.w+)" | rename email2 AS email
If we rename it as email, would it not over write the previous value?