With no TZ configured, my Search & Reporting App is displaying the correct time (UTC-10:00 or 13:00 HST) but, my Cisco Networks App is displaying a time 10 hours ahead (23:00 HST) of our local time.
When I edit the props.conf in the TA-cisco_ios folder, I enter "TZ = UTC" under the syslog stanza, now the display time is correct (13:00 HST) for the Cisco Network App, but now the Search & Reporting App is displaying a time 10 hours behind (03:00 HST) our local time.
I tried editing both props.conf in the TA-cisco_ios and search App folders with no success.
All of my event logs' time are correct, so how do I get both Cisco Network and Search & Reporting App to display the correct time?
You need to go to <Your Login Here>
-> Preferences
-> Time zone
and set it to your preferred value so that Splunk knows how to translates times to suit your location.
I am not sure why but, the problem corrected itself after deploying:
Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure
Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows
Splunk Supporting Add-on for Microsoft Windows Active Directory
Now my Cisco Networks Overview and Search and Reporting display time are both UTC-10.
To confirm, I removed Splunk App for Windows Infrastructure, Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Winows, and Splunk Supporting Add-on for Microsoft Windows Active Directory and the display time for the Cisco Networks Overview and Search and Reporting are still UTC-10.
The display time issue may have been resolved from the recent Splunk update.
I assume your search head, indexers are configured with your local time or UTC. What's the time zone configuration in the Cisco IOS devices? If they are in a different timezone, the app/add-on would convert/parse them correctly and send data to your indexer to index in correct timezone. Pls check the props.conf to see if they are matching the TZ of the IOS devices.
I have "clock timezone HST -10" configured on my Cisco IOS devices. My Splunk instance is configured with my local time. I searched all apps\system local props.conf for "TZ" and the only TZ configured is for the TA-cisco_ios app.