I have created chart with date and end time I need to chart the end times but it doesnt work on visualisation
I need to put start datetime on the X axis ( start date would be fine actually) and end datetime as the data points (Y axis)
Any help gratefully received the word time and chart have revealed too many other issues in splunk base search
index=billing sourcetype=billing_invoice_poller HikariPool "Start completed."
| bin _time span=1d as day
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ctime(_time) AS c_time
| stats earliest(c_time) as Start_Time by day
| appendcols [search index=billing sourcetype=billing_invoice_poller HikariPool "Shutdown completed."
| bin _time span=1d as day
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ctime(_time) AS d_time
| stats latest(d_time) as End_Time by day]
| eval it = strptime(Start_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eval ot = strptime(End_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eval diff = tostring((ot - it), "duration")
| eval diff1 = strptime(diff, "%H:%M:%S")
| eval Total_Run_Time = strftime(diff1, "%H:%M:%S")|sort - Start_Time
| table Start_Time, End_Time
Splunk doesn't provide a simple way to display time values on the y-axis.
Can you provide an annotated visual example of what you're trying to achieve? Perhaps there's an alternative that conveys the same information.
Splunk doesn't provide a simple way to display time values on the y-axis.
Can you provide an annotated visual example of what you're trying to achieve? Perhaps there's an alternative that conveys the same information.