We're using a REST API to connect to a case / monitoring system and retrieve any data newer than the last run. This data is a per-case JSON construct that contains all current information about the case such as its ID, status, timestamps, associated alert counts, etc. So, Splunk events are written when:
I'm having trouble with one dashboard panel in particular - a single value to show the number of alerts that are currently open and a sparkline for trends / history. Because of the way that the data is structured and transferred, I've only been able to do one or the other.
The following search works pretty well when new cases are opened (because the number of returned events increases between each search) but it "forgets" cases when they're closed (because the search filter causes the number of returned events to decrease).
index="<client>" case_id | dedup 1 case_id sortby -_time | search (status=new OR status=in_progress) | append [| makeresults | eval alert_count_total = 0] | reverse | timechart sum(alert_count) as alert_count_total | addcoltotals | filldown alert_count_total
I guess it needs some kind of "if the cases are open then sum the alerts but if not then set the alert sum to 0" logic so I created the following search which seems to get what I want but only separately - the Single View visualisation seems to be incompatible:
index="<client>" case_id | dedup 1 case_id sortby -_time | eval openorclosed=if(status="new" OR status="in_progress", "Open", "Closed") | eval alert_count_open=case(openorclosed="Open", alert_count, openorclosed="Closed", 0) | stats sparkline(sum(alert_count)), sum(alert_count_open)
Also, I've found SPL2's branch command which seems very promising but I don't know how to use datasets, etc which seem to be required.
Thanks in advance.
I discovered a few more edge cases which my previous search query couldn't handle:
I resolved these with the following new search query:
| dedup case_id, status sortby -_time
| reverse
| eval openClosed = case(match(status, "new|in_progress"), "Open", match(status, "resolved_other|resolved_auto"), "Closed")
| streamstats current=f last(status) as lastStatus by case_id
| eval firstEvent = if(openClosed == "Open" AND isnull(lastStatus), "True", "False")
| eval lastEvent = if(openClosed == "Closed", "True", "False")
| where firstEvent == "True" OR lastEvent == "True"
| dedup case_id, openClosed sortby -_time
| append [| makeresults | eval _time = 0, alert_count = 10000, openClosed = "Closed"]
| eval _time = if(status == "new", strptime(creation_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), _time)
| sort +_time
| eval alert_count_change = case(openClosed == "Open", "+" . alert_count, openClosed == "Closed", "-" . alert_count)
| streamstats sum(alert_count_change) as alert_count_open_total
| streamstats min(alert_count_open_total) as alert_count_open_min
| eval alert_count_open_total_nonegatives = case(alert_count_open_total == alert_count_open_min, 0, alert_count_open_total < 0 AND alert_count_open_total > alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total - alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total > 0 AND alert_count_open_total < alert_count_change, alert_count_change, 1=1, alert_count_open_total)
| table _time, alert_count_open_total_nonegatives, alert_count_open_total, alert_count_change, alert_count, case_id, status, lastStatus, openClosed, firstEvent, lastEvent
Final explanation (hopefully):
If per-severity trends are desired then simply append severity_count_field > 0 to the first search term. Just be aware that this radically changes the sparklines as you can see below:
I seem to have achieved this with the following search:
index="<client>" case_id | dedup case_id, status | where status!="in_progress" | reverse | eval openorclosed=if(status="new", "Open", "Closed") | eval alert_count_change=case(openorclosed="Open", "+" . alert_count, openorclosed="Closed", "-" . alert_count) | streamstats sum(alert_count_change) as alert_count_open_total | streamstats min(alert_count_open_total) as alert_count_open_min | eval alert_count_open_total_nonegatives=case(alert_count_open_total==alert_count_open_min, 0, alert_count_open_total<0 AND alert_count_open_total>alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total-alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total>0 AND alert_count_open_total< alert_count_change, alert_count_change, 1=1 , alert_count_open_total) | table _time, alert_count_open_total_nonegatives
I noticed a problem with my search query: it couldn't handle changes + / - 1. This can be seen below:
This was fairly easily resolved by adding case 'alert_count_change=="+1" AND alert_count_open_total=="0", 1' but that only resolved the problem for one line. This can be seen below:
I'm now trying to write a search query that uses a conditional sum so that the result can't even go negative in the first place but I haven't been able to even evaluate streamstats' output because as soon as it sets the variable then, somehow, it seems to becomes practically immune to maths- and regex-based checks. I've included a recreatable example below:
| makeresults count=5
| append [ | makeresults | eval alert_count_open_total = 0 ] | reverse
| eval alert_count_change = 5
| eval alert_count_change_negative = if(alert_count_change < 0, "True", "False")
| eval alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths = if(alert_count_open_total <= 0, "True", "False")
| eval alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_regex = if(match(alert_count_open_total, "-|0"), "True", "False")
| eval sumornot = case(alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths == "True" AND alert_count_change_negative == "True", "False", alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths == "True" AND alert_count_change_negative == "False", "True", alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths == "False" AND alert_count_change_negative == "False", "True", alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths == "False" AND alert_count_change_negative == "True", "True")
| streamstats sum(eval(if(sumornot=="True", alert_count_change, 0))) as alert_count_open_total
| eval alert_count_open_interim = alert_count_open_total
| eval alert_count_open_interim_zeroOrLess_maths = if(alert_count_open_interim <= 0, "True", "False")
| table alert_count_change, alert_count_change_negative, alert_count_open_interim, alert_count_open_interim_zeroOrLess_maths, alert_count_open_total, alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_maths, alert_count_open_total_zeroOrLess_regex, sumornot
I went back through my post and noticed that, with my original "solution" search query, the problem would only occur when "alert_count_open_total" was 0 so I thought I'd just try prefixing a fake event with an extremely negative alert count to create a non-0-based baseline which actually seems to have fully resolved the problem.
My search query is now as follows:
index="<client>" case_id
| dedup case_id, status
| where status != "in_progress"
| append [| makeresults | eval high_alert_count = 10000]
| reverse
| eval openorclosed = if(status == "new", "Open", "Closed")
| eval alert_count_change = case(openorclosed == "Open", "+" . high_alert_count , openorclosed == "Closed", "-" . high_alert_count )
| eval alert_count_open_total = if(alert_count_open_total < 0, 0, alert_count_open_total)
| streamstats sum(alert_count_change) as alert_count_open_total
| streamstats min(alert_count_open_total) as alert_count_open_min
| eval alert_count_open_total_nonegatives = case(alert_count_open_total == alert_count_open_min, 0, alert_count_open_total < 0 AND alert_count_open_total > alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total - alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total > 0 AND alert_count_open_total <
alert_count_change, alert_count_change, 1=1, alert_count_open_total)
| table _time, alert_count_open_total_nonegatives, alert_count_open_total, alert_count_change, high_alert_count, openorclosed
I discovered a few more edge cases which my previous search query couldn't handle:
I resolved these with the following new search query:
| dedup case_id, status sortby -_time
| reverse
| eval openClosed = case(match(status, "new|in_progress"), "Open", match(status, "resolved_other|resolved_auto"), "Closed")
| streamstats current=f last(status) as lastStatus by case_id
| eval firstEvent = if(openClosed == "Open" AND isnull(lastStatus), "True", "False")
| eval lastEvent = if(openClosed == "Closed", "True", "False")
| where firstEvent == "True" OR lastEvent == "True"
| dedup case_id, openClosed sortby -_time
| append [| makeresults | eval _time = 0, alert_count = 10000, openClosed = "Closed"]
| eval _time = if(status == "new", strptime(creation_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), _time)
| sort +_time
| eval alert_count_change = case(openClosed == "Open", "+" . alert_count, openClosed == "Closed", "-" . alert_count)
| streamstats sum(alert_count_change) as alert_count_open_total
| streamstats min(alert_count_open_total) as alert_count_open_min
| eval alert_count_open_total_nonegatives = case(alert_count_open_total == alert_count_open_min, 0, alert_count_open_total < 0 AND alert_count_open_total > alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total - alert_count_open_min, alert_count_open_total > 0 AND alert_count_open_total < alert_count_change, alert_count_change, 1=1, alert_count_open_total)
| table _time, alert_count_open_total_nonegatives, alert_count_open_total, alert_count_change, alert_count, case_id, status, lastStatus, openClosed, firstEvent, lastEvent
Final explanation (hopefully):
If per-severity trends are desired then simply append severity_count_field > 0 to the first search term. Just be aware that this radically changes the sparklines as you can see below:
Building off of my last solution, I've also managed to create a kind of "client alerts by severity over time" dashboard.
Full XML source below:
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="time" token="TimePicker">
<label>Time range</label>
<title>Time range</title>
<query>| makeresults
| addinfo
| eval range_start = strftime(info_min_time,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"), range_end = strftime(info_max_time,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
| eval now = strftime(now(),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
| eval range = case(info_min_time == 0 AND match(info_max_time, "Infinity"), "All-time (last updated " . now . ")", info_min_time != 0 AND NOT match(info_max_time, "Infinity"), range_start . " to " . range_end)
| table range</query>
<option name="colorBy">value</option>
<option name="colorMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="height">74</option>
<option name="numberPrecision">0</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="showSparkline">1</option>
<option name="showTrendIndicator">1</option>
<option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
<option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
<option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
<option name="trendColorInterpretation">standard</option>
<option name="trendDisplayMode">absolute</option>
<option name="unitPosition">after</option>
<option name="useColors">0</option>
<option name="useThousandSeparators">1</option>
<title>Client #1</title>
/* Styling for high line */
.highcharts-series-0 text {
font-size: 25px !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
fill: #DF4D58 !important;
.highcharts-series-0 path {
stroke-width: 4px;
/* Styling for medium line */
.highcharts-series-1 text {
font-size: 20px !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
fill: #FFBB4B !important;
.highcharts-series-1 path {
stroke-width: 3px;
/* Styling for low line */
.highcharts-series-2 text {
font-size: 15px !important;
font-weight: bold !important;
fill: #3391FF !important;
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stroke-width: 2px;
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.highcharts-yaxis-grid path:first-of-type, .highcharts-axis-line {
stroke: black !important;
<query>index="<client #1>"
| dedup case_id, status sortby -_time
| reverse
| eval openClosed = case(match(status, "new|in_progress"), "Open", match(status, "resolved_other|resolved_auto"), "Closed")
| streamstats current=f last(status) as lastStatus by case_id
| eval firstEvent = if(openClosed == "Open" AND isnull(lastStatus), "True", "False")
| eval lastEvent = if(openClosed == "Closed", "True", "False")
| where firstEvent == "True" OR lastEvent == "True"
| dedup case_id, openClosed sortby -_time
| append [| makeresults | eval _time = 0, low_alert_count = 10000, med_alert_count = 10000, high_alert_count = 10000, openClosed = "Closed"]
| eval _time = if(status == "new", strptime(creation_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), _time)
| append [| makeresults | addinfo | eval _time = info_min_time]
| append [| makeresults | addinfo | eval _time = info_max_time]
| sort by +_time
| eval low_alert_count_change = case(openClosed == "Open", "+" . low_alert_count, openClosed == "Closed", "-" . low_alert_count)
| streamstats sum(low_alert_count_change) as low_alert_count_open_raw
| streamstats min(low_alert_count_open_raw) as low_alert_count_open_min
| eval low_alert_count_open = case(low_alert_count_open_raw == low_alert_count_open_min, 0, low_alert_count_open_raw < 0 AND low_alert_count_open_raw > low_alert_count_open_min, low_alert_count_open_raw - low_alert_count_open_min, low_alert_count_open_raw > 0 AND low_alert_count_open_raw < low_alert_count_change, low_alert_count_change, 1=1, low_alert_count_open_raw)
| eval med_alert_count_change = case(openClosed == "Open", "+" . med_alert_count, openClosed == "Closed", "-" . med_alert_count)
| streamstats sum(med_alert_count_change) as med_alert_count_open_raw
| streamstats min(med_alert_count_open_raw) as med_alert_count_open_min
| eval med_alert_count_open = case(med_alert_count_open_raw == med_alert_count_open_min, 0, med_alert_count_open_raw < 0 AND med_alert_count_open_raw > med_alert_count_open_min, med_alert_count_open_raw - med_alert_count_open_min, med_alert_count_open_raw > 0 AND med_alert_count_open_raw < med_alert_count_change, med_alert_count_change, 1=1, med_alert_count_open_raw)
| eval high_alert_count_change = case(openClosed == "Open", "+" . high_alert_count, openClosed == "Closed", "-" . high_alert_count)
| streamstats sum(high_alert_count_change) as high_alert_count_open_raw
| streamstats min(high_alert_count_open_raw) as high_alert_count_open_min
| eval high_alert_count_open = case(high_alert_count_open_raw == high_alert_count_open_min, 0, high_alert_count_open_raw < 0 AND high_alert_count_open_raw > high_alert_count_open_min, high_alert_count_open_raw - high_alert_count_open_min, high_alert_count_open_raw > 0 AND high_alert_count_open_raw < high_alert_count_change, high_alert_count_change, 1=1, high_alert_count_open_raw)
| where _time != 0
| chart values(high_alert_count_open) as High, values(med_alert_count_open) as Medium, values(low_alert_count_open) as Low by _time</query>
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<link target="_blank">/app/TA-myAppName/myAppName?form.AlertsOpen.earliest=$TimePicker.earliest$&form.AlertsOpen.latest=$TimePicker.latest$</link>