I'm trying to get the sum of spam folders and where they are quarantined by user. Is there a better way to do this, especially since the number of folders to count may start to grow. (also the below eval(count(x) + count(y)) doesn't work)
| chart eval(count(inbound_phish) + count(inbound_spam_definite) ) AS "Quarantine1",
eval( count(inbound_bulk) + count(inbound_bulk_50)) As "Quarantine2", count(recipient) by recipient
hi @gdavid
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| chart count(inbound_phish) as inbound_phish, count(inbound_spam_definite) as inbound_spam_definite, count(inbound_bulk) as inbound_bulk, count(inbound_bulk_50) as inbound_bulk_50 by recipient| eval Quarantine1=inbound_phish+inbound_spam_definite ,
Quarantine2=inbound_bulk + inbound_bulk_50| fields Quarantine1 Quarantine2 recipient