Trying to capture multiple groups, basically after the colon
MacAddress : 7A:AA:82:31:24:B1
Manufacturer : VENDOR
Username : SC32131BN_user
IPNET : 11.412.111.
PasswordExpires : 11/24/2018 3:44:48 PM
Version : CCCS - 1423209
PhysicalDriveSpace : 19.620432424279
TotalRAM : 3.84324242539
DHCPLeaseExpires : 20432424324215.000000-300
DHCPServer :
SID : S-1-5-21-432233414-414324275-1810497902-1001
The name would be the field on the left.
I tried something like this: | rex "MacAddress\s+:\s(?P[^\n]) | Manufacturer\s+:\s)(?P[^\n])" but it doesn't appear to be giving me anything.
If this in only one event, like a multivalue field, I may have a solution for you :
Replace every :
by =
| rex field=yourfield mode=sed "s/:/=/"
Rename your field as _raw
|rename yourfield as _raw
Use KV
| KV
Edit :
Working example :
| makeresults
| eval data="MacAddress : 7A:AA:82:31:24:B1,Manufacturer : VENDOR,Username : SC32131BN_user,IPNET : 11.412.111.,PasswordExpires : 11/24/2018 3:44:48 PM,Version : CCCS - 1423209,PhysicalDriveSpace : 19.620432424279,TotalRAM : 3.84324242539,DHCPLeaseExpires : 20432424324215.000000-300,DHCPServer :,SID : S-1-5-21-432233414-414324275-1810497902-1001"
| eval data = split(data,",")
| rex field=data mode=sed "s/:/=/"
| rename data as _raw
| KV
Try this :
props.conf -
REPORT-xmlext = xml-extr
Transforms.conf -
REGEX =(\w+)\s*:\s([^\r\n]+)
FORMAT = $1::$2
MV_ADD = true
It will extract fields at index time
Unfortunately do not have access to edit props.conf
then try this in query:
...| extract kvdelim=":" pairdelim="\n"