Kindly provide a better way to write the query in the below example.
Also, one more thing I need help with is the hit count on destination port.
index="cisco_asa_index" sourcetype="cisco:asa" src_zone=TP-OUTSIDE src_ip="*" src_port="*" dest_zone=DMZ dest_ip="*" dest_port="*"
| iplocation src_ip
| table src_zone,src_ip,Country,City,src_port,dest_zone,dest_ip,acl,dest_port,transport
| eval protocol=transport+"/"+dest_port
| fields - dest_port, transport
Your search seems to be right except the table
which could be replaced by fields. However, it depends on whats the final result you want to achieve - probably a statistics with the data available.
To get a count of destination port in each event, you may add eventstats by dest_port
to the search .
index="cisco_asa_index" sourcetype="cisco:asa" src_zone=TP-OUTSIDE src_ip="" src_port="" dest_zone=DMZ dest_ip="" dest_port=""
| iplocation src_ip
| table src_zone,src_ip,Country,City,src_port,dest_zone,dest_ip,acl,dest_port,transport
| eval protocol=transport+"/"+dest_port
| eventstats count by dest_port
| fields - transport
Happy to assist further.
One suggestion, you can have table command in last, and fields command as early as in query.
Your search seems to be right except the table
which could be replaced by fields. However, it depends on whats the final result you want to achieve - probably a statistics with the data available.
To get a count of destination port in each event, you may add eventstats by dest_port
to the search .
index="cisco_asa_index" sourcetype="cisco:asa" src_zone=TP-OUTSIDE src_ip="" src_port="" dest_zone=DMZ dest_ip="" dest_port=""
| iplocation src_ip
| table src_zone,src_ip,Country,City,src_port,dest_zone,dest_ip,acl,dest_port,transport
| eval protocol=transport+"/"+dest_port
| eventstats count by dest_port
| fields - transport
Happy to assist further.
Awesome, it worked like a charm, thanks!
you are searching for dest_port with blank value, and then doing event stats on it? will it give any result?
@jvishwak, Just FYI - its not empty in real search but it has been sanitized to remove potential confidential elements.