I was trying to group by together the field values .
Example: i have a field called "url" that has such sort of data :
Can you please help me figure out whether I can create a separate field called "customer" that contains the values :
/customer/a1 and /customer/a2
purpose is: i am getting >100k results for the timechart for a 24 hours frame .
And hence, data loading doesn't happen
Can you please help ?
Hi @Mohsin123,
Can you please try this query?
< your base search> | stats values(eval(if(url="/customer/a1" AND url="/customer/b1",user,null()))) AS customer
Thank you so much ,
but could you please tell me if i want to add like for the url values , then????
because i have >10000 url values in the url field
i used like this , but its not working
| stats values(eval(if(like(url,"%oauth%")))) AS OAUTH
It should be like this
| stats values(eval(if(like(url,"%oauth%"),user,null()))) AS OAUTH
This still doenst work
| stats values(eval(if(like(url,"%oauth%"),user,null()))) AS OAUTH values(eval(if(like(url,"%well-known%"),user,null()))) AS WELL-KNOWN , values(eval(if(like(url,"%customer%"),user,null()))) AS CUSTOMER , values(eval(if(like(url,"%admin%"),user,null()))) AS ADMIN
Can you please provide some sample data (Mask sensitive data) ? In your environment url
& user
fields are extracting automatically ? Also please provide your full splunk query.
I have tested similar query on Windows event logs and it is working fine.
index=wineventlog | stats values(eval(if(like(EventCode, "462%"),host,null()))) as macth_host by EventCode
Hi Harsh ,
Could you please tell me if i could timechart after a stats group by .
below is my query :
index=idxd sourcetype IN ("prhe_access", "prod") | rex field=_raw "\"GET\ (?[^\"\?]+).*\ HTTP"
| stats values(eval(if(like(url,"%oauth%"),url,null()))) AS OAUTH values(eval(if(like(url,"%well-known%"),url,null()))) AS WELL-KNOWN , values(eval(if(like(url,"%customer%"),url,null()))) AS CUSTOMER , values(eval(if(like(url,"%admin%"),url,null()))) AS ADMIN
For timechart you should have count or average (Or some digit values) to create chart over time range, in your query you are just fetching URL values and you can't create timechart on those values.