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Can you help me create a regex that would extract a host from a path?


How can I extract hostname from the path for host_regex in data input on directory monitoring?

I need only host name


so it should be


Thank you!

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

try this:

host_regex = \/export\/var\/path\/(.*?[^\.]+)

regex101 link: https://regex101.com/r/L4xAkO/1

hope it helps

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Slight simplification of \/export\/var\/path\/(.*?[^\.]+) is \/export\/var\/path\/(.*?)\. ; -)

0 Karma


Thank you so much for your quick reply @adonio

Expression works on regex101, but when I try it in Splunk (via GUI-> Index once) it doesn't work as expected

For example:
I’ve tried to test two files using (.*?[^.]+).

1) /export/var/path/host1-03.ac.lp.our.domain.log

Input Type  File Monitor 
Source Path   /export/var/path/host1-03.ac.lp.our.domain.log
Continuously Monitor No, index once
Source Type  syslog
App Context  search
Host Source path regular expression: /export/var/path/(.*?[^\.]+)
Index  testregex

Got data but host was set to “host1-03.ac.lp.our.domain” without .log.
The objective to get host set to "host1-03"

2) But it worked for /export/var/path/host2b.log

Input Type File Monitor
Source Path  /export/var/path/host1b.log
Continuously Monitor No, index once
Source Type syslog
App Context search
Host  Source path regular expression: /export/var/path/(.*?[^\.]+)
Index testregex

Got data and host was set to host1b

Cannot figure out what I'm missing.
Any advice?

0 Karma
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