Hello, one of my splunk searches uses .csv file. I’m trying to find where the .csv is located within splunk and I can’t find it. Is there any command that I can put in splunk to find the file location please?
Hi @Orange_girl.,
what do you mean with "splunk searches uses .csv file", are you using a lookup or an inputcsv?
The .csv is actually used with”join”. However my question is related more to just finding a file, whether lookup or input. I don’t know if the .csv is an output of some other search, script or a file loaded into splunk. Is there a way to find where it comes from if I know nothing but its name?
Join command (which should not really be used unless as a rule of thumb; unless there is a very good reason for it and there is no other way) uses two searches. So the .csv file you're talking about must be referenced somehow withihn such search. You can't just search from a file.