Hello, I'm trying to determine how much traffic gb/mb/kb that a particular forwarder is sending in daily. I'm using the current command:
index=_internal* host="somehost.mydomain.com" | timechart span=1h avg(kb)
This is giving me values like:
5,832.547626 per hour. I'm assuming to get GB I would divide by 1024/1024?
The license_usage.log provides data in bytes. To get the base2 representation of GiB you would indeed divide by bytes/1024/1024/1024 like below:
index=_internal host=license_manager source=*license_usage.log type="Usage"
| stats sum(b) as b by h
| eval gb=round(b/1024/1024/1024, 3)
Are you looking for the volume of _internal
data sent by that host, or are you trying to search events in _internal
to determine overall volume sent by that host?
Correct, I'm estimating how much network traffic received by a single host so I can estimate how much it would cost us to send this volume into the cloud.
The license_usage.log provides data in bytes. To get the base2 representation of GiB you would indeed divide by bytes/1024/1024/1024 like below:
index=_internal host=license_manager source=*license_usage.log type="Usage"
| stats sum(b) as b by h
| eval gb=round(b/1024/1024/1024, 3)
I wanted to get the events hourly so I came up with this:
index=_internal host=license.example.com source=*license_usage.log type="Usage" h=someforwarder.example.com | eval megabytes=b/1024/1024 | timechart sum(megabytes)
Does this look correct to you guys? Goal is to get MB transferred each hour thorough the day.
Looks okay.
Keep in mind that this is licensed volume, not transferred volume - doesn't include internal logs or filtered events.
Thanks for all the assistance with this.
Thanks, I did that, but now there is no field called "type"?
This data is generated in the License Server only, so unless you're forwarding _internal data from your License server to Indexers, you need to run this from License server Web UI.
Thanks, worked on the license server. Let me try to apply timechart to it.
While you're on the license master, hit up Settings -> Licensing -> Usage Report -> Last 30 days - that should come pretty close to what you're looking for out of the box.
What is host=license_manager? I don't have that host so the search returns null.
Replace "license_manager" with the host that is acting as your license manager.