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Better PDF report visualization

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Hello, i am reaching out to ask if there is any way to make the chart that was generated with the scheduled PDF report option look any better. 

We have this dashboard:




It looks fine. Everything looks nice and clean. When we use the schedule PDF, and we generate a pdf, it does not look good. It looks like image (3).png

As an fyi, the above SS included both types for chart formatting, one had the values in the middle, and one had values above. Both look good in the dashboard, but neither look good in the pdf. 

Is there a way to edit the chart bars so they have more space, or to edit the size of the numerals above the bars? 


Is there an app that allows better editing of PDF within splunk? I feel like we have done everything we can to make the pdf look good, but we can not seem to be able to get the numbers to look good on the pdf. 


Thank you for any guidance.  

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