Splunk Search

Assistance with Map using Map to perform a search from a table of the original search


TLDR:  Goal is to perform an initial search which returns table of time user authenticated, then for each row in the table performs a subsequent search to find each time they established a connection to server.  The Authentication data and Network data are 100% separate.   

My initial search is

index=authentication objectId="thingIcareabout" 
| eval earliest1=timestamp/1000
| eval earliestPlus10m=earliest1+600
| table username, earliest1, earliestPlus10m

This successfully runs and returns:



Reason why I add earliestPlus10m is so I can run a subsequent search against the network index and limit the amount of results to parse. 

If I try the map command
index=authentication objectId="thingIcareabout" 
| eval earliest1=timestamp/1000
| eval earliestPlus10m=earliest1+600
| table username, earliest1, earliestPlus10m
| map search="index=network connected $username$ earliest=$earliest1$ latest=$earliestPlus10m$ | stats earliest(_time)" 

I get my 2 events, but no results in Statistics from map. I run job inspector  say the map returns no results.  I literally copy the query from inspector and run it in a new search and it does return exactly what I want.  For instance
index=network connected Joe earliest=1610632992 latest=1610632992 | stats earliest(_time) does return correctly. 

Confused here what I may be doing wrong...


My ultimate goal is

userNameearliest1subsearch(time)calculated field (subsearchtime-earliest10
Labels (1)
Tags (1)
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Ultra Champion


index=network connected [ search index=authentication objectId="thingIcareabout" 
| eval earliest=timestamp/1000 
| eval latest=earliest1+600 
| table username, earliest, latest
| format "(" "" "" "" ") OR (" ")"]


but your ultimate goal and '|  stats earliest(_time) ' are different.

also, Joe is not in username field in index network ? 


ref : My japanese Blog(English trasnlated)

0 Karma


Hi thank you to4kawa, maybe I should focus on the goal:

Run 1 query that returns 

UseridAuth Time
Joe 1/19 6:30 AM
Bob1/19 7:30 AM
Hank1/19 9:45 AM
Joe1/19 3:30 PM


For each row in that resultset run a subsequent query against a 'network' index which is basically:

  • Find the first time 'Joe' shows up in the network log starting at 6:30 AM:  6:31:22
  • Find the first time 'Bob' shows up in the network log starting at 7:30 AM: 7:35:12
  • Find the first time 'Hank' shows up in the network log starting at 9:45 AM: 9:45:46
  • Find the first time 'Joe' shows up in the network log start 3:30 PM: 3:31:05 

Then for each row subtract the network log timestamp from the Auth timestamp so each row returns:

TimestampUser (Session)TimefromAuthtoNetwork
 1/19 6:30 AMJoe1:22
1/19 7:30 AMBob5:12
1/19 9:45 AMHank0:46
1/19 3:30 PMJoe1:05


Does that make sense? 

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

index=auth OR index=network

| stats min(eval(if(index=auth,_time,NULL))) as _time range(_time) as TimefromAuthtoNetwork by userid


You may have multiple sessions in a day, etc., but this is the basic idea.



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