Hi ,
I know there are charting option colors for a dashboard as mentioned below, but do we have same for single value and table panels?
My code is below for a single value in a panel:
<panel >
<title>Top Features</title>
<query>host = abc source="/access.log" "/esponseprocess_client_ep" | stats count</query>
<!-- <option name="underLabel">Point Of Interest</option>-->
<option name="linkView">search</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
Charting options:
<!-- Set background color -->
<option name="charting.backgroundColor">#475565</option>
<!-- Set foreground color -->
<option name="charting.foregroundColor">#EBF5FF</option>
<!-- Set font color (axis labels, legends) -->
<option name="charting.fontColor">#99CCFF</option>
<!-- Set seriesColors (color palette to be used in this order) -->
<option name="charting.seriesColors">[0xEBF0F5,0xC2D1E0,0x99B2CC,0x7094B8,0x4775A3,0x2E5C8A,0x24476B,0x1A334C,0x0F1F2E,0x050A0F]</option>
There are options to color the text on the single value visualization, some using range map , without any extension. Have a look at the Splunk 6 dashboard example app's single value example's.
I added colors as per the example , but not able to see the colors and it is not working .. can you let me know where the issue is ?
<panel >
<title>Top Features</title>
<query>host = "abcd"
"_client_ep" | stats
<option name="linkView">search</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="trendColorInterpretation">standard</option>
<option name="trendDisplayMode">absolute</option>
<option name="colorBy">value</option>
<option name="colorMode">none</option>
<option name="numberPrecision">0.0</option>-->
<option name="rangeColors">["0x0E31EB","0x6db7c6","0xf7bc38","0xf58f39","0xd93f3c"]</option>
<option name="rangeValues">[0,1000,4000,9000,16000]</option>
<option name="showSparkline">1</option>
<option name="useColors">1</option>
<option name="underLabel">TOp feature</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
Hi, what version of splunk please? There have been many changes to visualizations over time.
i'm using splunk 6.2.8