Hi all,
I have a search that filters results based on a lookup file. Is there a simple way that I can add the match from the lookup file to the table/results?
index=web[| inputlookup HighRiskWords.csv | eval HighRiskWords="*"+HighRiskWords+"*" | rename HighRiskWords as web_Search] | stats count by web_Search, web_User, _time
It would be great to have the final piece of the search to be: Web_Search, {web_MatchingLookup}, web_user, _time
Can you elaborate and provide more details to what exactly you are trying to do?
don't do that. use a lookup as a lookup and make it a wildcard match type.
| lookup HighRiskWords web_Search outputnew web_Search as isFound
| where isnotnull(isFound)
| stats count by web_Search, web_User, _time