Hey Splunkers~!
What is the alternative to "transaction" command? altimately to calculate transaction duration. We are in an LB environment where the data is scattered amongst 4 indexers. I've heard that transaction isn't map reduce-able.
Could a guru share a tip on calculating transaction duration with out using transaction? "stat" would work, but what would be a good way?
so it will look like
stats values(_time), values(desc), count by SESSION_ID
What would be a good way to calculate the start and end time?
Well, it is map-reduceable (and map-reduced by Splunk), it's just not very efficiently map-reduceable, due to fact that all events must be sent to the search head to assemble a transaction. However, if you are only interested in the duration, yes, you don't need to send all events, and therefore there are more efficient ways to compute it.
... | stats earliest(_time) as start latest(_time) as end by SESSION_ID | eval dur=end-start
... | stats range(_time) as dur by SESSION_ID