I have a dedicated index for syslogs that I would like to add a 'static field' to:
MonFunc=sysmsgs ### Add to all events in this index
I'm trying to merge this data with related info in another logging index (which has a field extract for various function errors, generating the MonFunc). But, doing an aggregate table-based summary (from all indexes), grouped by MonFunc, has all the syslogs showing up as NULL.
I know of one possible workaround (our monitor system has its own filter and log, adding its own msg before the actual syslog), but would prefer a 'simpler' solution than generating a custom syslog extractor. It would also end up bypassing other data that may be useful long-term, which I'm trying to avoid.
To add a static kv pair to all events in an index I would recommend using a lookup table to map index->MonFunc. The trick is to use a global (no stanza) property unless you can scope to a particular source/sourcetype/host. I didn't find the name of your index, so be sure to change "index_name" to reflect the name of the index you want to assign the kv pair to:
## MonFunc.csv
## transforms.conf
filename = MonFunc.csv
## props.conf
LOOKUP-MonFunc_for_index_name = MonFunc_lookup index OUTPUT MonFunc
Devise a common sourcetype
example lookup csv called myexample.csv
LOOKUP-myexamplelookup = myexamplelookup sourcetype VALUE OUTPUT SLA NAME VALUE
This is for adding an (already defined) field that shows what function the message came from.
In the case of our monitoring app, all syslogs come from a function named 'sysmsgs.' Setting that field for all incoming syslogs will help prevent confusion for our end users.
To add a static kv pair to all events in an index I would recommend using a lookup table to map index->MonFunc. The trick is to use a global (no stanza) property unless you can scope to a particular source/sourcetype/host. I didn't find the name of your index, so be sure to change "index_name" to reflect the name of the index you want to assign the kv pair to:
## MonFunc.csv
## transforms.conf
filename = MonFunc.csv
## props.conf
LOOKUP-MonFunc_for_index_name = MonFunc_lookup index OUTPUT MonFunc
Excellent, that worked. Thanks.
Are you simply trying to insert a placeholder field which will be later defined by other query?